#THEUniAdvice: social media campaign reveals top college tips

We've collated some of the best responses to our #THEUniAdvice hashtag offering advice to help you while you are at university

August 23 2017
One thing you wish you had known before going to university

When you tell people that you are about to go to university, one of the standard responses is: “Oh, you're so lucky, you’ll have the best time! I wish I was still at university!”

You can also expect to hear a whole ream of anecdotes and advice about how to make the most of your time at university – some incredibly useful and some, unfortunately, not so much so.

We at Times Higher Education Student decided to take this discussion onto Twitter and, using the hashtag #THEuniadvice, asked our followers: “What is the one thing you wish you had known before going to university?” We received many brilliant and varied responses, some of which we have collected below to help you get started on your university journey. 















These are just some of the responses that we received but there are so many more on #THEUniAdvice

In fact, if you think something has been missed here, why not send in a video of the one thing you wish you had known before you went to university? The winning entry could receive a £350 smartwatch! We aren't looking for anything perfectly produced, just switch on your phone camera and email your response to seeta.bhardwa@timeshighereducation.com. The competition closes on 30 August 2017. 

Read more: What do students from around the world wish they had known before going to university? 

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