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Ecole Superieure de Commerce-Alger

Impact Rankings 2024
42003 Kolea, Tipaza, Algerie, Algeria

About Ecole Superieure de Commerce-Alger

Ecole Supérieure de Commerce- Alger is a business school in located in Koléa, Algeria. It is also popularly referred to as the High School of Commerce.

It was established in 1900.

The university offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in difference areas of commerce including finance, marketing, international business, and entrepreneurship. Ecole Supérieure de Commerce- Alger campus includes facilities such as spacious classrooms and amphitheatres, student housing facilities, cafeterias, workshops and recreational centres. The school also has a modern library located in the annex block, with books, journals and master’s and doctoral theses in the three languages: Arabic, French, and English.

In addition to this, the university also has student clubs and cultural and sports associations. Numerous events and activities are organised throughout the year.

Explore rankings data for Ecole Superieure de Commerce-Alger

All ranked institutions have an overall score and 4 pillar scores. However for each pillar, only institutions ranked in the top 500 overall or the top 500 in this pillar have a publicly visible score