
Talis empowers the global higher education community to deliver excellence in teaching and learning. We believe every student should have access to the right content in the right way at the right time to enhance and improve their learning journey.

Talis Elevate is a collaborative annotation tool that brings insight and clarity to resources by enabling collaboration, and engagement within your materials, both in and out of the classroom. Build discussion activity directly into the heart of resources used in teaching, from text-based documents to images, audio or video files, digitisations, and 3rd party content like YouTube. Talis Elevate provides new levels of analytical insight for academics and students, helping academics make informed decisions in real-time around their teaching practice, learn more about student interaction, and to identify who may need more support.

Talis works with over 100 universities in eight countries, helping them reach strategic goals around teaching & learning, learner analytics and student experience. We're part of the SAGE Publishing Group.

Find out more about Talis.