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Paths being purged in the_cache_control. https://academic-cms.prd.the-internal.com/sites/default/files/university/rankings/726049-zh-hans.json

University Center of Illizi

2024 世界大学排名
2024 年轻大学排名
2024 Impact Rankings: 促进目标实现的伙伴关系
Airport Road, Illizi, 33000, Algeria

关于 University Center of Illizi

The University Center of Illizi, located in Algeria, is a thriving institution dedicated to higher education and research. Established with a commitment to academic excellence, it serves as a hub of learning and innovation for students and scholars alike.

This institution offers a diverse range of programmes and services to cater to the needs of its students. From academic consultations to research initiatives, the University Center of Illizi strives to provide a comprehensive educational experience. It prides itself on fostering an environment conducive to both personal and academic growth.

One of the highlights of this university is its dedication to international collaboration and knowledge exchange. Through participation in international forums and conferences, it ensures that its students and faculty stay at the forefront of global developments, particularly in fields like digital transactions and artificial intelligence systems.

With a dedicated faculty and a focus on research and development, the University Center of Illizi stands as an asset to the academic community. Its commitment to nurturing talent, promoting innovation, and providing scholarships further solidifies its position as a key player in the realm of higher education in Algeria.

University Center of Illizi 的排名数据分析




  • 1,203
    Number of FTE Students
  • n/a
    Proportion of ISR Publication
  • 40 : 60
  • 0%
  • 44.6
基于 (1) 2024 世界大学排名和排行榜收集的数据

University Center of Illizi 的授予学科

  • Arts & humanities

    • Languages, Literature & Linguistics
  • Business & economics

    • Accounting & Finance
    • Business & Management
    • Economics & Econometrics
  • Computer science

    • Computer Science
  • Social sciences

    • Sociology
  • Law

    • Law