关于 State University of Bangladesh
State University of Bangladesh was founded in 2002 in the Bangladeshi capital Dhaka.
The university is spread across three campuses. The planned purpose-built man campus at Kanchan has been under development since 2018, with facilities including a 10-storey student dormitory and accommodation for faculty.
The founding department of health sciences is located at Dhanmandi campus along with computer science and engineering, pharmacy and law. The Bijay campus accommodates English studies, business studies, food science and engineering, earth sciences, environmental science, and journalism, communications and media studies.
The Institute of Skill Development and Continuing Education offers courses including supply chain management, accounting and finance, and preparation for the International English Language Testing Service (IELTS) examination.
The main campus event of the year is the Spring Festival organised by the Student Culture Club, one of three main clubs along with sport and debate, and attended by more than 3,000 students.