ESIC University

2024 世界大学排名
2023 Impact Rankings
2019 年度欧洲教学排名
Avenida de Valdenigrales s/n, Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid, 28223, Spain

ESIC University is a leading institution in Spain with more than 55 years’ experience educating business and marketing professionals. We maintain a direct relationship with industry so that we can offer practical and academic training that meets the needs of the labour market. Our values shape the training that we offer and graduates emerge as highly qualified professionals with an excellent knowledge of the latest business trends.

As an academic institution, our mission is to train people in management, marketing, innovation and digital skills with a global and comprehensive vision throughout their professional life. With the aim of promoting the transformation of students so that they can develop successfully in their professional lives in a responsible manner and be agents of change in organisations and society.

To accomplish this goal, ESIC has a faculty with a strong academic profile and close ties to the business world, 123 strategic agreements with universities and business schools around the world, 9 campuses in Spain, agreements with 2,500 companies to facilitate the employability of our students and an alumni network of more than 66,000 professionals around the world.

Our educational model is a combination of knowledge, values and experiences, and therefore each student has the opportunity to shape the learning experience at our University by choosing from one of our areas of education: vocational training, undergraduate studies, graduate studies or executive education.



The Bachelor’s degree courses at ESIC University are taught in person and cover the areas of Directing and Management, Marketing, Digital Business, Communication & Advertising, International Business and Law.

In addition to taking your degree at ESIC, you can complete your studies with the different training itineraries: optional subjects, the possibility of taking specialisation diplomas and taking one of our private higher degrees in Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Data Science, Marketing Management or Sustainability Management. In addition, students can choose between tuition in Spanish or English throughout the courses of their studies.


ESIC offers a wide variety of graduate programmes. These include official master's degrees, private lifelong learning master's degrees, specialisation programmes, courses and online training.

ESIC's areas of specialisation in the graduate programmes  are: Direction and management, Marketing, Human Resources, Commercial and sales, Technology, Supply Chain, International trade business, Finance, Communication and advertising.

ESIC's teaching method, called Transformative Learning (TL), is an innovative transversal model of hybrid learning, which incorporates online (both synchronous and asynchronous) and face-to-face activities (classroom and remote), seeking a 360º experience where students are at the centre of an infinite campus.

Some of the pedagogical methodologies used are:

  • Active Learning: Mindmap learning
  • Blogging (Cooperative Learning)
  • Masterclass
  • Peer feedback learning (Collaborative Learning)
  • Class discusión
  • Flipped learning
  • Learning by teaching
  • Case method
  • Role-playing


In-company internships: For the most junior profiles, we provide students with their first professional experience. +3000 internship offers. +3000 collaborating companies.

CAREERS: For graduates and students with a senior profile, we help to improve their employability. We provide companies with qualified professional profiles from among our students and alumni, a service that is completely free for them and for life. 93% employability rate of our graduates one year after graduation. 75% work in a multinational company. +2000 selection processes

ENTREPRENEURS: We make the entrepreneurial initiatives of our students and alumni a reality. It is a totally free service. +300 projects advised per year. 15 projects in the incubator. 45 companies running in the last 5 years with +3 years with recurring income.  74 start-ups created and earning their first revenues.

PUBLISHING HOUSE:  +600 professional books, 3 scientific journals, 23 case studies, +400 e-books, +20 university technical notes, +100 documentation notebooks, 35 theses on teaching research.

LANGUAGE HOUSE: is the centre specialising in foreign language training at ESIC. It is present on the following campuses: Madrid, Valencia, Seville, Zaragoza, Malaga, Pamplona and Tudela. We are also an official examining and preparation centre for the main certificates: TOEFL, TOEIC and all Cambridge certificates.  +8200 candidates assessed for official English exams. +2000 students per year

MASESIC: this is ESIC's University Extension department and carries out its work through its range of volunteering activities, sports, cultural activities, university pastoral care and social entrepreneurship. Undergraduate and graduate students, alumni and teaching and management staff can collaborate in this service.


- HOY ES MARKETING: The largest marketing, management and digital economy event in Spain.  National and international speakers with inspiring presentations on artificial intelligence, challenges and opportunities in the digital era, technology, innovative ideas, happiness, future...

- MEET YOUR FUTURE: ESIC's national entrepreneurship and employability fair.+2600 ATTENDEES. 60 COMPANIES

ESIC- ALUMNI. +66,000 alumni. Spain's largest network of professionals and executives specialising in business, marketing, communication and digital economy. +80 nationalities.

Undergraduate Studies

Business Management

Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration and Management
Grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas | ESIC
Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration and Management + Degree in Data Science (taught in Spanish)
Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration and Management + Degree in Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration and Management + Degree in Marketing Management
Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration and Management + Degree in Sustainability Management
Grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas + Marketing
Grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas + Título Superior en Data Science
Grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas + Título Superior en Dirección de Marketing
Grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas + Título Superior en Emprendimiento e Innovación
Grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas + Título Superior en Gestión de la Sostenibilidad


Bachelor's Degree in Marketing
Grado en Gestión Comercial y Marketing
Grado en Marketing
Bachelor's Degree in Marketing + Degree in Sustainability Management in Madrid
Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing + Degree in Data Science (BDM + DDS)
Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing + Degree in Digital Business (BDM + DDB)
Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing + Degree in Entrepreneurship and Innovation (BDM + DEI)
Grado en Gestión Comercial y Marketing + Título Superior en Digital Business
Grado en Marketing + Título Superior en Data Science
Grado en Marketing + Título Superior en Digital Business
Grado en Marketing + Título Superior en Emprendimiento e Innovación
Grado en Marketing + Título Superior en Gestión de la Sostenibilidad
Degree in Global Marketing Management
Título Superior en Dirección de Marketing Global


Grado en Digital Business
Grado en Digital Business + Título Superior en Data Science
Grado en Digital Business + Título Superior en Dirección de Marketing
Grado en Digital Business + Título Superior en Emprendimiento e Innovación
Grado en Digital Business + Título Superior en Gestión de la Sostenibilidad
Título Superior en Digital Business

Data Science

Grado en Data Science

Grado en Data Science + Titulo Superior en Digital Business

Grado en Data Science + Título Superior en Dirección de Marketing

Grado en Data Science + Título Superior en Emprendimiento e Innovación

Grado en Data Science + Título Superior en Gestión de la Sostenibilidad

Communication and Advertising

Grado en Comunicación y Relaciones Públicas
Grado Oficial en Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas (GRPUB)
Grado en Comunicación y Relaciones Públicas + Título Superior en Marketing
Grado en Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas + Título Superior en Digital Business
Grado en Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas + Título Superior en Emprendimiento e Innovación
Grado en Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas + Título Superior en Gestión de la Sostenibilidad
Grado Oficial en Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas + Título Superior en Dirección de Marketing

International Business

Bachelor’s Degree in International Business (BIB)
Grado en International Business
Bachelor’s Degree in International Business + Degree in Data Science (BIB + DDS)
Bachelor’s Degree in International Business + Degree in Entrepreneurship and Innovation (BIB + DEI)
Bachelor’s Degree in International Business + Degree in Marketing Management (BIB + DMM)
Bachelor’s Degree in International Business + Degree in Sustainability Management (BIB + DSM)
Grado International Business + Título Superior Dirección de Marketing Global

Masters and Graduate Studies


Full-Time MBA (3)

International MBA
Full Time MBA
Global MBA

Executive MBA (1)

Executive MBA

Master's programs

Business Management (3)

Master In Digital Business
Master In Management
Master In Project Management And Agile Methodologies

Marketing (11)

Máster en Customer Experience: Innovation & Design Thinking [MICEMD]
Máster en Dirección de Marketing Deportivo [MDMD]
Máster en Dirección de Marketing y Gestión Comercial [GESCO]
Máster en Dirección de Marketing Turístico [MMT]
Máster en Dirección de Marketing y Comunicación de Moda & Lujo [MML]
Máster en Marketing Digital [MMD]
Master in Digital Marketing [MDM]
Master in Marketing Management [MIM]
Máster Online en Marketing Digital [MOMD]
Máster Universitario en Dirección de Marketing [MUDM]
Máster Universitario en Marketing y Gestión Digital [MMGD]

Technology (3)

Máster en Big Data y Business Analytics [MBDA]
Máster Online en Ciberseguridad [MOCI]
Máster en Inteligencia Artificial [MIA]

International Business (1)

Master In International Trade & Business   

Communication, Advertising and Public Relations (2)

Máster Universitario en Dirección de Comunicación y Nuevas Tecnologías [DCNT] Madrid

Máster en Dirección de Comunicación y Publicidad [MPC]

Finance (1)

Master Of Finance

Logistics and Supply Chain (1)

Master In Logistics, Transport And Supply Chain Management

Human Resources (2)

Master's Degree In People Management And Organizational Development


Bachelor's Degree in Law + New Law

ESIC provides its students and participants with the Professional Development Center (PDC), which manages more than 3,000 job applications annually. In addition, within the PDC, students and participants will be able to access ESIC Entrepreneurship Center, which will provide them with the environment, facilities, support, advice, access to investment programs, a business incubator, and more, to develop and consolidate their business ideas.

ESIC University 的排名数据分析



  • n/a
    Proportion of ISR Publication
  • 45 : 55
  • 10%
  • 19.6
  • 6,169
    Number of FTE Students
基于 (1) 2024 世界大学排名和排行榜收集的数据


ESIC University 的授予学科

  • Social sciences

    • Communication & Media Studies
  • Business & economics

    • Business & Management
