Private college faces regulator investigation

Applied Business Academy faces scrutiny over management and governance arrangements, as well as data reporting

七月 19, 2024
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Source: iStock/OSTILL

A private college is under investigation by the English higher education regulator, it has emerged.

The Office for Students said that it was investigating whether Applied Business Academy, which has premises in London and in Luton, had complied with its conditions of registration.

The regulator is looking at whether ABA “has complied with the OfS’ requirements relating to provision of information to the OfS and to its designated data body” and whether “it has effective management and governance arrangements in place”.

ABA’s website states that it offers courses in areas including business and accounting and finance.

It lists three universities as partners: the University of Buckingham, Leeds Trinity University and the University of West London. Leeds Trinity’s franchised provision is the subject of a separate, ongoing OfS investigation.

The OfS said that it had opened its investigation into ABA in April, but did not disclose details of it until this month.

“The opening of the investigation means that the OfS has identified potential concerns that require further scrutiny,” the regulator said. “The decision to open an investigation does not mean that any form of non-compliance or wrongdoing has taken place.”

ABA has been approached for comment.



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