A list of the 50 most influential higher education professionals using social media in the UK has been released.
The line-up was created after Jisc, the sector’s main technology body, asked university workers to nominate people who were using social media in unique or interesting ways.
The nominees were whittled down to a top 50 by a judging panel, which included Chris Parr, digital and communities editor at Times Higher Education. He was joined by Eric Stoller, a blogger for Inside Higher Ed and Russell Stannard, founder of Teacher Training Videos, as well as David Kernohan and Sarah Knight from Jisc.
Most of the top 50 primarily use Twitter, but other social networks such as Facebook are represented too.
The full list in alphabetical order (for information on the individuals, see the Jisc website):
Sue Beckingham, Sheffield Hallam University @suebecks
William Buchanan, Edinburgh Napier University @billatnapier
Luke Burns, University of Leeds @LP_Burns
Liz Cable, Leeds Trinity University @lizcable
Nathaniel Coleman, University College London @natcphd
Jasmine Connolly and Nathaniel Hobby, Bournemouth University @bournemouthuni
Tony Coughlan, The Open University @tjcoughlan
Tom Crick, Cardiff Metropolitan University @DrTomCrick
Egle Dagilyte, Anglia Ruskin University @EgleDagilyte
Jon Dron, University of Brighton @jondron
Lee Dunn, University of Glasgow @leeandrewdunn
Rhodri ap Dyfrig, Aberystwyth University @nwdls
Caitlin Golaup, Cardiff University, Cardiff C21 Facebook page
Lisa Harris, University of Southampton @lisaharris
Sarah Honeychurch, University of Glasgow @NomadWarMachine
David Hopkins, University of Warwick @hopkinsdavid
Paul Hopkins, University of Hull @hopkinsmmi
Matt Johnston, Coventry University @mjohnstonmedia
Jennifer Jones, University of the West of Scotland @jennifermjones
Kip Jones, Bournemouth University @kip_jones
Steven Jones, University of Manchester @StevenJones_MCR
Meena Kotecha, London School of Economics @lseMeena61
Natalie Lafferty, University of Dundee @nlafferty
Kate Lindsay, University of Oxford @KTDigital
Teresa MacKinnon, University of Warwick @WarwickLanguage
Liz McCarthy, University of Oxford @mccarthy_liz
Stephen McClean, Ulster University @PlanetChemistry
Moira McLoughlin and Wendy Sinclair, University of Salford @Levylass and @wlasinclair
Claudia Megele, Middlesex University @SWSCmedia @ClaudiaMegele
Sonal Minocha, Bournemouth University @PVCBU
Liz Mossop, University of Nottingham @mossposs
Chrissi Nerantzi, Manchester Metropolitan University @ChrissiNerantzi
Nicola Osborne, University of Edinburgh @suchprettyeyes
Nick Pearce, Durham University @drnickpearce
Sara Perry, University of York @ArchaeologistSP
Paul Reilly, University of Leicester @PaulJReilly
Kate Reynolds, Bath Spa University @BathSpaEdDean
Vivien Rolfe, University of the West of England @VivienRolfe
Roger Scully, Cardiff University @roger_scully
Dominic Shellard, De Montfort University @DMUVC
Andrew Smith, The Open University @OUCisco
Guiseppe Sollazzo, St George’s, University of London @puntofisso
Amanda Taylor, University of Central Lancashire @AMLTaylor66
David Walker, University of Sussex @drdjwalker
Phil Ward, University of Kent @frootle
David Webster, University of Gloucestershire @davidwebster
Steve Wheeler, Plymouth University @timbuckteeth
Matt Williams and Pete Burnap, Cardiff University @socdatalab
Gary Wood, University of Sheffield @GC_Wood
Jonathan Worth, Newcastle University @Jonathan_Worth
For information on each of the individuals, see the Jisc website.