Part-time work has become quite common at university, but it can be hard to fit it around your studies. Here are some key tips to help you find that balance
Not only are Japanese universities trying to recruit more international students, but so are Japanese companies. Here is some advice on how to find a job there and read about a student’s experience
It’s not hard to see the benefits of meal prepping but how do you make it work for you as a student? Here are some meal preparation tips that you might not have seen before
You’ve probably received plenty of advice about what you should be putting in your university applications, but what about the things you shouldn’t be doing?
Every year we set New Year’s resolutions and how many times do we fail at them? I’ve collected a series of apps that can help keep you on track with your resolutions for the next 12 months
Whether you buy into New Year’s resolutions or not, January can be a great time to wipe the slate clean and implement measures to achieve your goals. If you aren’t sure where to start, here are the resolutions some students will be setting in 2019