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Université d’Ain Témouchent

2024 世界大学排名
2024 Impact Rankings
2024 年轻大学排名
Belhadj Bouchaib Route de Sidi Bel Abbes, BP 284, Ain Temouchent, 46000, Algeria

关于 Université d’Ain Témouchent

The Université d’Ain Témouchent is located in the city of Ain Témouchent in North West Algeria, and is a non-profit public institution that has been serving the educational needs of the region since its establishment in 2009.

The university offers a range of academic programmes including bachelor's , master's and doctorate degrees. The university is organised into the faculty of literature, languages and social sciences, the college of science and technology, the faculty of economics, commerce and management sciences, and the faculty of law.

Officially recognised by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research of Algeria, Université d’Ain Témouchent is an Islamic institution. While upholding Islamic values, the university offers a coeducational environment that promotes equal opportunities for male and female students.

In addition to its academic offerings, Université d’Ain Témouchent provides essential facilities and services to support its students. This includes a library, housing facilities, sports amenities, study-abroad and exchange programmes, as well as online courses and distance-learning opportunities.

One of the significant initiatives taken by the university is its active participation in the Erasmus programme. This programme facilitates pedagogical exchange visits and student mobility, allowing students and professors to experience international academic exposure and to enrich their knowledge and cultural experiences.

Université d’Ain Témouchent aims to contribute to the sustainable development and competitive excellence of the region and the nation as a whole. Through its research and academic activities, it seeks to address local needs and challenges, ultimately transforming lives and promoting growth and development within the community.

The university is committed to promoting science, technology, engineering and mathematics education.

Université d’Ain Témouchent 的排名数据分析




  • 42%
    Proportion of ISR Publication
  • 64 : 36
  • 1%
  • 17.2
  • 12,202
    Number of FTE Students
基于 (1) 2024 世界大学排名和排行榜收集的数据

Université d’Ain Témouchent 的授予学科

  • Engineering & technology

    • Civil Engineering
    • Electrical & Electronic Engineering
    • Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
    • Chemical Engineering
  • Law

    • Law
  • Business & economics

    • Business & Management
    • Economics & Econometrics
    • Accounting & Finance
  • Life sciences

    • Biological Sciences
    • Agriculture & Forestry
  • Social sciences

    • Communication & Media Studies
    • Sociology
  • Computer science

    • Computer Science
  • Physical sciences

    • Physics & Astronomy
    • Chemistry
    • Mathematics & Statistics
  • Arts & humanities

    • Languages, Literature & Linguistics