NUS day of demos

十一月 21, 1997

Your coverage of the National Union of Students National Day of Demonstrations on November 1 was pitifully small and completely unbalanced. To focus a picture caption on the minority views of a small number of students' unions and set aside the vast swathe of mainstream opinion that has mobilised behind the strategy and approach of the national executive of the NUS is unobjective.

The fact is that the overwhelming majority of students' unions have put aside their differences to unite in opposition to tuition fees. This unity drew together 40,000 students, trades unions and local community groups to demonstrate that opposition in 14 major cities.

The campaign against fees will continue over the coming months and will continue to involve students' unions on a local and regional level to maximise impact and participation. This approach has the support and active involvement of the large majority of students' unions up and down the country.

Vaughan Gething

NUS Wales president



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